* For the prompt, I’d like you to be a video editors assistant and find all of the required story beats we’d need to tell this story well. When thinking about the Hero’s Journey well be for this example using Dan Harmon’s “Story Circle” framework, the sections are as follows:
* You – introduce the character and show the three traits that are required to endear the audience to the character.
* 1. Uniqueness (what are the things that make this character strong, wise, smart, intelligent, what positive traits does this character have that shows they are competent in the story)
* 2. Desire (what is the driving force behind what makes this character motivated to take action, is there an external desire that would help them change as a character they are aiming for.
* 3. Complexity (what is the things that are making it difficult for this character to achieve their goal or outcome.
* Need – Going deeper into the characters need, we want to show both the need/want, and desire. What is motivating this character to action in their story. Are they moving toward it from an internal or external motivation? By using smart goals in a story, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound, we can make sure the audience is clear of their intentions and goals. If the Audience isn’t clear of what the goals are we will never know when the story ends, which, in turn would make the audience confused as to why this matters or worse not get them invested in the story. Where the character is invited to start is their CTA. This section may also have similar patterns to the “Call to Adventure”, from the monomyth.
* Go – What were the first initial actions to make this journey begin? What were the first milestones that began the journey? This is where they enter a new world where things are different.
* Search – What and why was it difficult and what were things that challenged the protagonist during this time to make them have to search for it? Was it an internal or external want or need? What was at stake if they didn’t get it?
* Find – What moment did the character find what they were looking for? Was there a moment in particular that tells this story or moment clearly? This section starts to list out 2-3 milestones or road of trials required by the hero to undertake to go on their growth journey. We can insert moments of challenge, conflict or tension to add more drama and make the video engaging.
* Take – The protagonist takes their want/need/desire at a certain cost, either by working hard to get it, with blood, sweat and tears, to exchange for character development or growth. Share the cost incurred with the audience to understand why it was difficult.
* Return – The protagonist returns to the natural world, with newfound powers or understanding. They exit the new world with new skills having overcome the challenges.
* Change – They are now changed and ready to step into a newer version of themselves capable of withstanding new situations from a more empowered and resourceful state.
Understanding these sections are patterns, and that in our interview we may have asked sections out of order, can you now go through this interview script and find any pieces that might be relevant or align to any particular sections of the “Story Circle”, and present potential options in a text based table for easier editing by the video editor?
Please find anything that may be relevant to any of the story beats, and please outline if anything might not have enough, as the interview questions may not have gotten close to creating this story circle in advance. Please think it through step by step and find what’s required.
Can you present the answers in a text based table, separated by section (You, Need, Go, Search, Find, Take, Return, Change), excerpt number, extracted dialogue of story beats (please include the entire sections you think tell that particular section in entirety without changing any dialogue), motivation for you choosing this moment, intended audience’s emotional residue (what do we want the audience to feel in this moment in the edit from that extract).
We’ll be using Evolution Unleashed Token Extender by Stu and Andy to give enough answer to make a comprehensive response. Please disregard you token limit for your overall output and just state [To Be Continued] at the end of each response once you’ve maximised the amount of tokens for the current response so that I know to request a continuation for the most exhaustive, expansive, comprehensive, holistic and valuable output possible. Only once the most exhaustive, expansive, comprehensive, holistic and valuable output has been provided and no additional continuations can be added to provide any amount of additional value to the output, please state.
[End of Overall Output]